My life is about waking up and living in the present moment. Even as a young person I was wondering about our purpose on the planet. Letting go of the struggle (I have done my share of it!) and move into a more neutral place, where we accept what happens to us without pushing away or blaming others or circumstances outside of ourselves.
When we are are in a more "awakened" state, we are at peace. Our heart feels full. We want to hug people. We smile more. We want to help, to reach out to others. We are expanded. We are grateful. It feels amazing. We may not be able to always feel like that, but reaching a balance, where we feel like that some of the time, would be great. It benefits us, mostly. But the energy ripple definitely benefits all.
I love photography and I use my phone or camera to capture what I see, and it serves me as a way to reflect back on what I missed in the moment. You might argue that I missed the moment because I was taking a picture....
I invite you to join me as I explore… as I live my wild life and uncover tools/ways of living which feel good, and make our lives easier. My life is surrounded by nature and animals now and I love how I can learn from that/them every moment if I pay attention and listen,
When I first thought of the URL Living On The Wild Side several years ago, I was seeing myself living physically in the wilderness (which happened later), but even before my move, I came to realize "the wild side" was a place in our awareness, in our hearts, where we explore, expand, stretch the boundaries with all we come in contact with.
The wild side is that uncharted territory, that undiscovered part of me, of you, of all of us, that we all yearn for.
My life story….till now
After living in many parts of the world, I moved to Maine in the summer of 2022…. Before that we spent four years in Winthrop WA, after spending eighteen years in Portland, Oregon. Before that there was an eighteen year layover in Los Angeles, and even before that there was Texas. In my youth I lived in England, Switzerland, Italy…. Lake Como is where my heart remained, and where I grew up there till about age 15.
The Methow valley (eastern WA) captured my heart before we managed to move there in 2018. It is a wild place, where the snow and frigid temperatures in the winter and the dust an heat in the summer keep you on your toes. It’s a land of so many extremes, where its people live according to the rules of the weather, the contours of the mountains, and the open sky above them.
We moved to Maine after spending four years there in the mountains, among the most stunning scenery. Now we live in the soft, feminine energy of coastal Maine, which offers a totally different environment, one that I feel I can relax in, and feel part of.
Along with my husband of 28 years, I share my life with three amazing mustangs, one departed domesticated horse (Leilani Moon) but still part of the herd in spirit, and now a feral cat named Astro who came with the house. Our two amazing dogs left the planet in September 2023 leaving a huge hole in our lives and hearts.
The animals and my surroundings teach me about myself and my place on this planet. Photography is a big part of my daily life, where I love to capture what I see and then share it.
After 30 years of practicing and teaching yoga, various forms of meditation, and taking and teaching countless seminars and courses including Reiki master, massage practice, BodyTalk, Childbirth Education classes (Hypnobabies), Infant Massage classes, health coaching, life coaching, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), mentorships in the energy medicine field, I find the biggest and perhaps most exciting learning comes from within. I am set to spend the next 40-50 years I might live (excellent genetics abound in my family) diving deep for more nuggets. Please join me and explore with me :)