Leilani Transformed
Since the horses moved to our land in Jan 2019, Leilani Moon had been unhappy, or at least, distressed in her demeanor. I think it had to do partly with the lack of space, and the hills, which she wasn’t used to. The cold weather does not help either. I think she is a true Southern gal, and loves her heat.
Nevertheless, I wanted to figure out if I could help shift her energy. I always felt there was so much more to her, and much more that could be done so she could be more present, less angry and unhappy. When she first arrived she spent time just unraveling, but I believed this time she needed some other tool to dig deeper.
I had looked at all the physical issues that could cause issues with her health, and there was one change that I was able to make was to give her less alfalfa hay. It just makes her too hot and angry! Also, she did have her teeth done in 2019 after a bout of not eating and a colic episode, which of course completely freaked me out. But she recovered in 24 hours (yes, I used homeopathy here too) and after the vet floated her teeth, she appeared to feel better. But her unhappy and uncomfortable behavior continued. She just was not thriving.
A beautiful digitized version of Leilani. What can I say? She’s very photogenic!
Enter Susie of Homeopathy for Horses. I read about Susie on Facebook and read she did remote work with horses, and let the horse choose their remedy. Well, that was it for me! I loved her already! So I got in touch with her and had a chat. I loved her even more! Susie was available, clear, calm and very present. She also reminded me that after the initial treatment cost (which includes a few check ins to be sure the animal treated gets fully on track), any other treatments after would be at a much cheaper rate. Wow! Let’s do this! I immediately booked a session.
The process went like this: she checks in with the animal, then we have a chat so she can relay to me what transpired. I honestly don’t remember exactly what Leilani told Susie, or what Susie received from the session, but I did learn that Susie gives the remedy ENERGETICALLY! Even for me that was a lot to take in. Wow! I imagined that she would tell me what to get, and since I have been using homeopathy for myself and my pets for years, and have so many remedies, I figured I’d go out and give Leilani what she needed. Nope. Susie had already done that, and Leilani had told her which remedy, and how many doses over how many days. OK!
Susie did tell me Leilani was hurt from past experiences, like the trauma she experienced had gotten stuck in her somewhere. I had felt that from Leilani, and also felt that she just needed some help in moving the energy. Whatever Susie said was right along what I had also felt about Leilani but could not help her shift it.
Leilani changed. It was not sudden. But she relaxed. She shifted. I want to say it took a few weeks. I actually noticed it right away, but it was very subtle. And as the days went on, she kept improving. I waited to tell Susie, I wanted to be totally sure. I think I finally told her a couple of weeks later. “She’s doing so great!” I said. “She’s relaxed, she’s happier, more engaged, she looks at us more, and she does not seem to be stuck in some weird place in her head anymore”. “Her ears are forward, she’s tuning in, and wants to engage!”. Susie was thrilled of course.
It’s been many months since then. Leilani has continued to improve. She’s much nicer to all the other horses too, but mostly she’s relaxed and she looks at us, she’s engaged and she does not have a vacant look anymore. There is so much more I want to do of course. She can use more space, more variety, more play. But I am so relieved she seems to have found herself again. It’s almost like a big part of her was missing and she got it back.